Workshops & More
Academic Presentations
Living With Brain Injury
Grief and Life Altering Loss
Spiritual Growth and Development
Panel Presentations
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Spiritual Growth and Development:

Aspire Place Presentations are ideal for students pursuing careers in:

  Allied Health

  School Counseling

  Holistic  Practitioner


Hospital Social Work 

General Counseling 

              Mental Health Counseling


Marriage and Family Counseling

  • Our Presentations also broaden the perspective of Academic Faculty and Staff
  1. Honoring the past, Creating the present while looking forward to an Inspirational Future:
    This interactive workshop engages students in a unique technique that reframes a client’s perspective on earlier life experiences. This process will enable clients to explore how honoring the past can positively impact and improve their current outlook on daily living. Attaching new meaning to those memories aspires clients to redefine who they are in the present, and to walk into their future with a sense of peace and enlightenment.
  2. Medicine Walks: 
    This interactive workshop will enable participants to explore the benefits of how “stepping outside” the traditional therapeutic setting can be a catalyst for transforming their client’s perspectives on life and the challenges they are facing. This workshop offers students an alternative approach for exploring the healing power of walking in natural environments. 

  3. Identifying and Exploring Belief Systems:
    Participants will learn how to empower patients to develop their own way to connect to a personal creative source. Students are offered tools that can engage a new thought process which enables clients to redefine their own perspective in their healing process. Included will be time to explore the personal belief systems of attendees and how that impacts their approach when working with their Clients.